Skill spirit shield 2 s gain 3 block for each card in your hand. 50 mysterious events that can help or harm you.
Legends Of Runeterra Tier List The Best And Worst Champions
Slay the spire tier list. Attack lesson learned 2 s deal 10 damage. Information is provided as is and solely for informational purposes not for trading purposes or advice. Slay the spire card and relic information and tier lists. 350 fully implemented cards. Skill blasphemy 1 s enter divinity. Four characters that each have their own unique set of cards.
Power foresight 1 a at the start of your. Detailed stats for each ironclad card. View card and relic synergies and antisynergies. 50 unique combat encounters. Slay the spire left early access and comes with. If fatal upgrade a random card in your deck.
See suggested draft choices in real time with our deck builder. Quotes are not sourced from all markets and may be delayed up to 20 minutes. Slay the spires relic tier list maker share template on twitter share template on facebook quadrant view view community rank. Best cards pick frequency winrates and more. Ironclad tier list for slay the spire based on ascension 15 player statistics. 200 different items to be found.